What follows whist rather tongue in cheek is also pretty accurate...
Andrew Jones Incumbent Tory Mp.
Andrew Jones has generally been helpful. He has always responded to letters from cycle activists and has tried to use what leverage he has to get North Yorkshire Council engaging with Harrogate Cycle Action once more. He has limited effect on local transport planning but he seems to be generally supportive of cycling initiatives and has championed the Tour De France.
Score 8/10 Seems to be working well for his constituents.
County Councillors
Variable results here, a few Conservative councillors have engaged with Cycle Harrogate and also some Tory County Councillors have been helpful over the Nidderdale Greenway. It would be fair to say though that when I and others have lobbied for a Cycle Officer at area meeting we were was met by fairly overwhelming indifference from mostly middle aged white men who didn't look like they had ridden a bike to the meeting. Mind you if that is what Harrogate elects that's hardly their fault. I have also had a few positive conversations with a few councillors who do seem at least interested in advancing a bike riding agenda in HarrogateScore 5/10 Some promise but could do better.
Liberal Democrats
The Liberal democrats who also have serving Local Councillors seem to be indifferent to cycling and attempts to lobby them or work with them are either fobbed off or ignored.
Score 1/10 You are letting yourself and your party down.
A tad unfair really as they have little actual power but I have had a few online dealing with them. Unfortunately whilst they seem keen, nothing ever materialised. I asked for feedback on some questions nothing happened. I was due to speak at a Labour club meeting which they initiated, nothing happened
Score 1/10 Needs to work toward their target or will continue to under perform
North Yorkshire County Council
Some positives. I am told they were supportive over the Nidderdale Greenway and there does seem to be evidence of some local junctions being re-lined in a way that will help cyclists and they recently undertook work on the Beryl Burton Cycle way. They have supported the Tour De France bid.
More negatively since NYCC took control of Harrogate's road cycling infrastructure investment has fragmented and apparently stalled. They have removed the forum for consulting with cyclists. They have had a complaint about their internal processes upheld. They have refused to appoint a cycling officer. They seem to lack a plan when it comes to spending the LSTF funding. They also have no plan to develop cycle infrastructure and their idea of promoting cycling currently involves handing out puncture repair kits.
Score 4/10 Must do better you have much influence locally and others would follow your lead
Harrogate Borough Council
Harrogate Borough Council are now doing some of the things that are helping make Harrogate a bike town. They have officers in place to both encourage people to ride bikes and get tham trained if they don't know how. They are working with local employers to try and get more people commuting. They have people on the ground making sure the tour De France is delivered and leaves a legacy. Much of the bike infrastructure of Harrogate is down to Harrogate Borough Councils work in the past and they did employ cycling officers.
Score 8/10 good work you are a pleasure to have working for us.