Friday, 14 April 2017


Cycle Harrogate has come to its natural end this website now serves as an archiv...
Posted on 14.4.17 | Categories:

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Support your local Heroes - SingletrAction dig day

Myself and the boys were at Stainburn this morning helping the good people at SingletrAction build a pump track. If you haven't ridden the Red loop and descent line that are also their work get on it. Just be careful on the descent line it's tasty for a red, my eldest wears the scars. By 9.30 a collection of the young and not so young, yet I'm sure still childish at heart were warming their backs up dragging tree stumps out of their homes, digging...
Posted on 5.3.17 | Categories:

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Bond End - my kids deserve better

Bond End is the bit of Knaresborough where NOx (nasty oxides produced by diesel engines) go to kill people in these environs. Its officially so polluted something must be done. Actually four other pollutants including particulate matter (fine bits of soot) are also measured but NOx is the main bad guy here. There is wide agreement that Diesel engines produce most of the particulates and NOx that led to it being declared an Air QualityManagement...
Posted on 10.1.17 | Categories: