Monday, 14 October 2013

Just some paint and a bit of political will - New york builds a better urban environment for little money

Check out this Ted Talk video its by Janette Sadik-Khan. She and her team in New York City have made a huge difference to the Big Apple's transport network with not much more than some paint, some outdoor chairs and a few bollards. They have made some areas of downtown traffic free and added miles of cycle lane. The clever bit is as their changes were all easily reversible, if they didn't work they could paint over the cycle lanes or pedestrianised areas and try something else or somewhere else. A dynamic solution to congestion and traffic management rather than a slow, highly designed solution with the attendant financial risks.

The argument I hear in Harrogate from NYCC Highways is we have no cash. With this way of working you don't need very much you just need the willingness to try. New York has ended up with greater footfall in times square and loads more people riding bikes, that's a genius solution. All in 8 years. Don't take my word for it watch the video.

Surely this is a way to make our towns and cities more bike and pedestrian friendly without scary levels of investment?


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