It seems important to celebrate the Beryl Burton's recent resurfacing with a bit of a fanfare. So on the Saturday the 30th of November at 2pm by the start of the cycle way at the Knaresborough end, you know, the bit down by the river. We will be having a bit of a thing. Denise and Charlie, Beryl's Daughter and Husband are coming along as guests of honour, you are invited too. Andrew Jones MP is on the guest list along with a few other councillors as yet TBA and I will be getting along as much press as possible.
Lets turn out to show the District we value this stuff, more importantly lets turn out to honour the greatest cyclist this country has ever produced. That's quite a claim in light of a few we have had recently, but in Beryl Burton's case its no idle boast.
Anyway if you wanted to join us, that would be great and then I reckon a beer in the Half Moon might be appropriate.
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