Friday 21 June 2013

Who wants to play Virtual Tour De france?

Its that time again Wiggo is out but Froome looks on form and the behemoth of Cav looks as good a bet as ever. Its tour De France time. Get yourself by a telly at about 4.15 in the afternoon for the next few weeks. The nice people over at velo games run a fantasy Tour De France game, league, thingy. You pick a team and as the results roll in stage by stage you get points and somebody wins.

This year Cycle Harrogate are running a mini league so you can see how you compare with other local folk and maybe consider a career change if it goes well. This time next year you will be watching "your" riders for real so I thought I would get you used to the idea 12 months early.

If you want to join in and play along  you sign up then pick a team. next go to your team and click the join league link at the bottom. Its a bit fiddly but you will work it out. Its free and no cyclists are hurt.

This is the league code you need: 21164055

The winner gets well nothing, but the kudos of being the best team manager in Harrogate unless any of our local cycle shops want to put some prizes up? Oh and don't pick anyone in my team, I'm usually rubbish.


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