Local Heroes

I'm often to be heard complaining about people who I don't think are doing enough for cycling locally. Some people are doing more than their share mind you. Here are some of your local Harrogate cycling heroes.

Dave Burns is teaching people to ride bikes,  he will teach anyone for any reason I seem tothink. I wish him well and if you need some tuition he is your man.

Resurrection Bikes

Offering cheap second hand bikes and recycling old ones.

Wheel Easy
A Harrogate based leisure rather than performance focused, cycling club.

Harrogate Nova
Harrogate's first cycling club, lots of members, they race and they are good at it.

The UK's Leading Sustainable transport charity. The excellent Nidderdale Greenway is partly their fault.

Harrogate Cycle Action
Working hard to make riding round Harrogate easier. The greenway and too many cycle lanes to mention are their work. Look on their works ye mighty and tremble. Respect.

Harrogate Sports Development
Getting the people of Harrogate moving, by any means necessary. Even two wheels if that's what it takes. Jo Armstrong is the driving force and her outfit are doing great things.

Knaresborough Chamber of Commerce
Nice people, pro the bicycle they will do for me.

Breeze Rides
Bike rides for women who want to cycle with other women.

Open Country
Helping people with disabilities get out into the countryside. In Harrogate they run a tandem club, what's not to like?

They dig so you don't have to. A volunteer mountain bike trailbuilders collective. Impressive trails near Stainburn.

Cappuccino Cycle Club
A Harrogate based road bike club. Over 100 members, runs three times a week at three different paces and a women's only ride on a Saturday morning.

Harrogate Tri Club
A Triathlon club, Swim, Cycle, Run, Repeat.  New kids on the block but if your not happy unless your wet and exhausted these people could be for you.

Ride Harrogate
More Harrogate based cycle advocates. Who have been known to do a bit of down-hilling on the side.

Knaresborough Spinners
Over the Nidd  but local enough for me. A new bike club for Knaresborough, Inclusive friendly, have a look.

Bilton Bike Club
All things bikey in Bilton. Brainchild of PCSO James Skaith who is a full on community superstar.

Non Local Heroes

Somebody in France asked me for a link exchange for a website about holidays in Japan. I like Japan so why not?
