Tuesday 5 June 2012

IMPORTANT - Update on Knaresborough Rd

We have just got off the phone to the Highways Department at North Yorkshire County Council. They have investigated the central reservation white lining and have decided it was done too wide when they resurfaced, as we suspected. They plan to re-line in "July".

Currently they don't want to support a cycle path on the grounds of additional cost for signage.

Don't even get me started on them throwing good money after bad but anyway here is where we think the campaign is at:

We now have a potential four week window of opportunity to lobby like loons, to try and get them to postpone the re-line and support the cycleway scheme we propose.

It is now time to try and use whatever leverage we have between us as citizens to embarrass NYCC into doing the right thing.  I don't suppose they will be spending money on a cycleway once they have painted those  central chevrons twice in the same financial year.

We will continue to drive the social media agenda and generate as much local support as we can. You can expect to hear a fair bit from us in the next few weeks.

The worst outcome is that that NYCC  re-line in July. If that happens things will be better than when we started campaigning and we won't have wasted our time or squandered anyones support. All outcomes in excess of that are bonus. We might as well have a go though, I think the existing and future cyclists of Harrogate deserve local government that not only fixes its cock ups but is prepared to actively and creatively consult with its electorate on ways to make Harrogate an even nicer place to live.


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