Thursday 14 June 2012

The woman from the council says NO

We have had a response from someone somewhat higher up in  NYCC about our Knaresborough Rd proposal via the wonderful Gia Margolis, its not positive. Essentially they argue that the road is not wide enough (according to the guidance) for cycleways which kind of means anything other than a seven lane highway in downtown LA is going to be too narrow and as there are lots of junctions and bus stops, cycle lanes might be effectively more trouble than they are worth.  They accept that cyclists may be poorly provided for on this section of road but basically tough, cars, lorries and pedestrians are more important, on your bike sunshine.

Well seems to me that at this point we have two choices: give up or turn up the heat.
I'm not feeling like giving up and here is why. I cannot accept that on a wide road like the one we are talking about some form of provision for cyclists can't be made so that cycling down Knaresborough Rd can be a pleasant, life affirming pastime rather than one that feels too often feels like that David Attenborough wildlife documentary. With the Cyclist as the wounded Buffalo and the cars and lorries as a pack of Komodo Dragons waiting for an opening to tear them apart. That doesn't seem to represent the kind of town I want to live in.

Having had a cursory glance through the Department of Transports cycle infrastructure design guide (the guidance) it seems like one idea contained in there which does have some merit is the cycle bypass. This is used to bypass pedestrian traffic islands which are part of the pinch point problem on the Knaresborough road.


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